Fix for Kodi/XBMC MCE remote

Since XBMC recently decided to change name to Kodi and I installed it to try new features,  my HP media center remote stopped working (Windows button would not start XBMC/Kodi anymore), so I’ve adjusted and recompiled “KodiLauncher\bin\Release\ehshell.exe” that you can use for Kodi (will search for kodi.exe in program files/kodi/). Link is below,  should work without a problem, at least it works for me now 🙂


If you wonder what to do with the file. You have to replace ehshell.exe in Windows/ehome (paste this to Windows Explorer or Start -> Run to find out where is your ehome directory: %windir%/ehome ) with file in zip attached in this post.

After doing that, if you have media center remote, pressing Windows button will NOT start Windows Media Center but it will start Kodi/XBMC.

Have fun!

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